Guilty! The Trials of Phil Ferguson Page 10
“Rubbish. It can’t compare to the real thing.” Jimmy regarded Amanda for a moment.“Igetit.
“I told you. Never a dull moment with Jackie. She’ll like you. She likes your type.Powerfulmenwhothinktheyhavebigdicks.”
Amanda recalled the meeting in detail and word for word. She was in the process of planning her encounter with Jimmy Cadogan and Jackie. One thing was for sure, it was going to be fireworks. She could imagine just how much Jimmywasanticipatingthemeeting.
for him. He maintained a respectable work ethic and prided himself on having theminimumnumberofunsolvedcasesintheforce,withtheexceptionofPastor Seale, but everyone knew that Detective Seale had divine assistance. It irked MobertthatSealegotawaywiththatcrap.HehadfollowedSealeattimeswhen he was most likely to meet with his godfather. Mobert was not making any headway.
Hewasevenmorefrustratedashewatchedthedetectivehustleoutoftheoffice onedayafterreceivingaphonecall.Hehadhisownfilestoworkonandhadno reasontoleave,sohecouldnotfollowhim.Itwouldhavebeentooobvious,but hefoundhimselfwalkingoutoftheofficeasifhecouldnothelpbuttrailhim.
The phone ringing at the desk broke him out of his trance. He answered automatically.
Mobert was a little annoyed. There was always some idiot calling and wasting hisprecioustime.Theyalwaysgotthenumberwrong.
“I’msorry,IthoughtthiswasDetectiveSeale’sextension,thiswasthenumberI wasgiven.”Mobertlookeddownatthedeskandthephone.Itwasnothis.She
“Noneedtoapologise,youdohavetherightnumber.Ijusthappenedtopickup, isthereanywayIcanassistyou?DetectiveSealeisoutforthemoment.”
“Sure, just give him this message. I am calling from J.C. Chambers. Detective Sealecancontactmeathisearliestconvenience.Hispapersareready.”
Mobert’s mind was going a mile a minute. He did not believe in coincidences.
Detectivesongovernmentsalariesdidnotretaintheservicesofahigh-costfirm likeJ.C.Chambers.JimmyCadoganwasPastorSeale’sgodfather.Mobertknew
it. He did not need to waste any more time on Seale. He needed to investigate Jimmy Cadogan, but he had to be very careful. The man was very well connected. One slip and he would be off the force, or worse. Jimmy Cadogan wasnotthekindofmantocross.Hewasrich,powerfulandspiteful.
TherewasthestoryofamanwhopubliclyaccusedJimmyofbeingabuller*.He furtheriteratedthathehadproofofJimmybeingsaidbuller.Jimmywasfurious andonlyjustkepthiscool.Rumourhaditthatifhehadhisgunonhimthatday, hewouldhaveshottheman.Afterall,Jimmyregardedhimselfasbeingthemost virile man in the land. It was not long after it happened that the man went missing.ItwasoneoftheunsolvedcasesthatspoiltthegoodrecordofMobert Clarke’sdepartment.
to tip him off. He thought for a bit, and then it came to him. Jimmy had more thanafewenemies.Someofthemweresuretobeonlytoogladtoquietlyassist the local constabulary with any information needed on Jimmy Cadogan. One personimmediatelycametomind.
Phil found himself with another new emotion. He wanted to just disappear. He didnotcarehow.
He could leave the island, disappear, die… it did not matter. His ego was batteredbeyondapulp.Hiswifehadhadanaffairwithamanhedespised,and toaddinsulttoinjury,hehadthetransgressiononfilm.
Itwasimpossibletodenyit.Hewaschargedanditwasrecordedinthepolice station,thereforanygoodreportertosee.Worseyet,rumoursaboutthemotive were circulating. He needed the insurance money because he was really broke andonlyfronting.
Jade was blackmailing him. She had some down-low information on him. He hadfoundanotherwomananddidnotwanttopaythepriceofadivorce.Hedid notknowwhichwasworse,thetruthortherumours.
Howthehelldidhegetintothis?Hemusthavebeenameanmotherfuckerinhis previouslife.
put him away. What was his motive? Was it a case of eliminating the competition? His law practice was already suffering and he was looking at the very possible prospect of jail time. Just imagine. Phil Ferguson in prison. Phil could not fully assimilate the thought, it just made him so sick. Like it or not, this was the position he was in. Much as he wanted to, running was not an option.Hewasgoingtofightandhewasgoingtowin.Thatwastheonlyoption.
thattheprosecutionhadirrefutableevidencethathetriedtokillJade.Somehow hisattorneywasnotprivytothatinformation.Whatwasthisevidence?Itwasis if he was convicted already and the trial was just a formality. His father was exertingalltheinfluencehecouldtogetPhiloutofthismess.Hehadhisown
concerns too. The investors for the project had opted not to go with Premier Construction. They decided to go with Regal Enterprises, an established firm thatdidagoodbitofhighendwork.
Regal Enterprises had seen some financial difficulties eight years
earlier and nearlywentoutofbusiness.Somehowtheowner,BrianBrown,managedtoland
the company a modest contract to build some middle-income houses in the centralpartoftheisland.Itwasenoughtokeepthecompanyonitsfeetandit grewfromthere.
TheunofficialstorywasthatBrainlovedthebiglifeandover-extendedhimself, andbyextensionthecompany.Hethensoughtfinancingfromsomeunsavoury
characters,hisplanbeingthatheonlyneededashorttermloantogivehimthe cash flow to do another project which was in the pipeline. He would make the money back, repay his debtors and be in the full swing of things again. The banks did not buy his plan. They saw that he was overspending on himself—
money to support his lifestyle. Brian therefore chose option two, some well-fundedgamblingassociates.Itwasanopportunityforhimtoconsolidateasmall debthehadwiththem.Thosestupidbankerswouldjustloseoutontheinterest.
Asthingsturnedout,thecontractwenttoPremierConstructionandBrianfound himself in a lot of trouble. The people he borrowed money from calculated interest weekly. He was planning to flee the country, but he could not fathom beingontherunwithhissonandhecouldnotbeartoleavehimtofacethedire consequenceshewassurewouldawaithim.Intheendhesoughttheadviceofa friendandtookit.Hisfriendassistedhimwithmakingtheproblemgoaway.
controlling interests in the company. Jimmy was good enough to do the legal workhimselfandwasalsosuretochargeforit.
not. She was not usually one to be indecisive, she felt fine now and could not blameanymentalimpairmentonherheadinjury.
Sheneededtotakechargeofherlifeandgetonwithit.Prioritynumberonewas totalktoPhilandgeteverythingoutonthetable.Sheputherthoughtstogether.
Firstthingsfirst,didPhiltrytokillher?Shehadenoughtimetothinkandshe knewitwasasetup.Philwouldnevertrytokillher.Thenthereweretheaffairs.
JimmyCadoganhadsetherup.ShewaswillingtobelievethathesetupPhilas well.Still,shehadtoknowthenatureofhisrelationshipwiththatwoman.Jade wanted to know every last detail. If Phil knew her panty size, Jade wanted to knowit.
someone in the judicial system saw that he was set up. It was nothing new, though.ItwasnowquiteobviousthatitwasJimmyCadogan.Theproblemwas
wellconnected,soconnectedthatnoonecouldgetanyrealdirtonhim.Anyone whomayhavehadagrousewithhimwastooafraidtocrosshim.Hisappetite
for revenge was well known. It was amazing that a man so despised was so untouchable.ThesadthingwasthatnothingsofarwasslowingPhil’sprogress toprison.
DetectiveClarkedidnotsayitdirectly,butitwasclearthathewantedtoseereal justice.TheonlyplussofarwasthatJadewasnotlikelytotestifyagainstPhil.
Theprosecution,however,hadalotofevidenceagainstPhil.Philwashopingto beat the case before the preliminary inquiry. If he lost the inquiry and it was deemed to be a case to go to trial, if that happened, the publicity would skyrocket.Philalsobelievedthatifitgotpasttheinquiry,itwouldbedifficultto beataconviction.Thesameillicitforceswhichpushedthecasethatfarwould gainthemomentumtogoalltheway.Therehadtobeawayout.Therehadtobe asolution.Therehadtobe.
The doorbell interrupted his thoughts. It must be Jade. She was early, but no worries,itwasnotasifhewasbusy.Hehadmixedemotionsashewalkedtothe door.Hehadnotseenhersincetheaccident.
Hewasconcernedandrelievedandlookedforwardtoactuallybeingwithherin thefleshasopposedtoonthephone.Healsohadsomeunresolvedangerissues, likehowcouldshehavebeensostupid,andhowcouldshehavegottenintoany situation with Jimmy Cadogan. Finally, he knew she was going to drill him on Amanda.Tohiscredit,hehadhadnocontactwithAmandaaftertheirevening
tryst three years prior. It was an old, literally dead story. He knew that Jade would try him and convict him. As unpleasant as that was, it was better than facingrealjailtime.
Philopenedthedoor,andwhathesawasthedoorswungopenputhiminastate ofshock.TherestoodAmanda,asstunningasever.Herskinwasradiant,aswas hersmile,herteethwereflawlessandframedbythosesensuouslipswhichwere
perfectly covered with a lipstick shaded a red that set his heart in flames. Her fingers and toes matched for the complete effect. She wore a white skirt suit whichwastailoredtoaccentuateherfigure,close-fittingbutnottight,shortbut notslutty.Thisonewasherowndesign.
“HiPhil,IknowI’mwearingwhitebutyoudon’thavetolookatmeasifI’ma ghost.”
“Iwantedtoseeyou.Iknowyou’reintrouble.Youneveransweredmycalls,my texts, my emails. I had no way of knowing what was happening with you, no wayofcontactingyou.”
“Had dinner with him or had him for dinner?” Phil said this with a sarcastic
She looked Phil up and down and at the front his pants. She bit her lower lip.
She turned around, walked off and drove away. Phil had no time respond. He was even more confused, and of course, as fate would have it, Jade’s car was
She embraced him. She smelt so good, so familiar, it seemed like an eternity sincehehadsmelledher,seenher,touchedher.Hestartedtostumble,butcaught himselfquickly.
“I know I haven’t been in the gym recently, but I haven’t put on that much weight.”
Shesmiled.ItwassoinfectiousthatPhilfelthimselfsmilebackandthenhewas grinning.
It was as if they were stricken by a bizarre defence mechanism to defuse the ragingemotionstheybothwereexperiencing.Italsobondedthem.
They walked into the living room. Phil stood facing Jade. He put his hands on hershouldersandstaredintohereyes.
“I’m fine. The question is, how are you?” Her face registered concern. She noticedthathehadlostweight,buthewasstillafine-lookingman.
“I’ll be honest with you. I don’t know up from down. I feel as if I’m living a nightmare. It could not be worse if someone scripted it. All I need now is a healthchallenge.”
Phil smiled wryly. “I know. I know. Positive thinking, laws of attraction, blah blahblah.Honestly.Ifeellikemybrainhasbeenfriedtoacrisp.Thisstuffhas gotmeoverloaded.”
Philcontinued.“IhadnoideawhatIwasgoingtosaywhenIsawyou.Ididn’t knowwhatyouweregoingtosay,whatyourattitudewouldbelike.We’vebeen